While the celebrity Wheatear appears to have hauled its "whit oers" out on last night's favorable winds, there were plenty of consolation prizes.
Highlights (for me at least) from this morning include:
Sora (2), easily seen; one repeatedly chasing the usually dominant Semi-palmated Sandpipers off the mud flats. A second Sora then walked out of the reeds and entered the water (!) to surface-feed next to the Yellowlegs. Which was interesting, for sure.
14 species of shorebirds, including Pectoral, Western, Stilt, and the continuing youngster American Golden-Plover (pictured above).
Caspian Tern (2), one of which bolted down — while on-the-fly, and with supreme effort — a large, freshly caught squamiger. All while acrobatically avoiding a cheeky Ring-billed Gull in hot pursuit.
Earlier in the morning, near the AmVets Carrillon:
Boblink flyovers with at least one Dickcissel, which gave that short call which sounds like electronic flatulence.
Peregrine Falcon flyby with a small passerine in its talons.
In short, a few great hours on a mid-September morning.