Thanks to Diane Brown for sending along this shot of a Wilson's Phalarope at DeKorte Park late this a.m.!
Daily Archives: September 20, 2009
DeKorte Bird Alert: Phalarope
Birder Rob Fanning reports a Wilson Phalarope at DeKorte in the Kingsland Impoundment (Shorebird Pool) under the elevated boardwalk by the Visitor Center. (Thanks, Rob!)
More on Wilson's Phalaropes here.
If you get a photo, please e-mail it
Rob reports that the phalarope was very close in from the elevated boardwalk when he left at 11:50.
Rob adds: "I also saw 2 DUNLIN (my first this fall) and 2 Stilt Sandpiper, as well as great views of an Im. Sora. Great up-close looks at shorebirds! Good stuff…"
DeKorte Report
Birder Neil Maruca was at DeKorte Saturday morning. He fiied this report:
DeKorte's Marsh Discovery trail once again hosted cooperative and readily seen Soras, Definitely, DeKorte is the place to be if it's a bird of interest for you.
Water levels have been lowered in the Kingland impoundments near the environmental center, leaving short mudflat "beaches" at the edge of the phrags. For the last few days birders have been finding Soras working those newly exposed flats.
Other sightings: Caspian Terns, Peregrine, Black Bellied Plover, Pectoral Sandpiper. Blue and Green Winged teal, shovelers, pintails, gadwalls, 120+ Greater Yellowlegs, 120+ Snowy's, 525 DC Cormorants… the area is just incredibly "birdy" right now.
Also had 3 Kestrels mobbing a Broad-winged Hawk from Disposal Road.