Neil Maruca Reports:
Safety Note: Duck Hunters were out today on the Saw Mill WMA across from Laurel Hill Park. The current portion of Northern NJ duck season goes Nov. 17 to January 2. There was also some gunfire coming from the impoundment dikes outside to the Wildlife Mgt Area near the WMCA radio towers.
Highlights Kearny East: Clapper Rail, 3 Red Breasted Merg, Coot, Great Cormorant, Tree Sparrow, 400 Ruddy Ducks, 2 Greater Scaup in with the Rudyies and & 2 Lesser Scaup near the Hackensack River. Also a white "bibbed" domestic duck in with some dabblers.
Had Carolina Wren and Northern Flicker off Belleville pike, DeKorte had 9 greater yellowlegs, 200+ GW Teal, 150 Mallards and 50ish Shovelers and Gadwall.