Monthly Archives: March 2010

Pheasants in the Meadowlands

IMG_0927    We were fortunate last Thursday to see a Ring-necked Pheasant take wing from a landfill near DeKorte Park.
   Yes, we know that what we call a pheasant is what the local Coyote calls dinner, but we are delighted that we still have pheasants in the Meadowlands. There simply aren't many places in this region where they still exist in the wild.
   We saw one a couple of times last month in Harrier Meadow, and they have been seen on the former 1-E Landfill in North Arlington, but as habitat has vanished, so have they.
   Yes, we know — they aren't non-native species, etc., blah-blah-blah, but they are still a spectacular bird. We'd love to see them every day.

More pix follow.

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Shrike Update Plus: 031210

   Chris Takacs reports: "Northern Shrike was seen today 7:30 a.m. on Disposal Rd. near the Detention Pond.
    "He flew to the Erie Landfill just to the SW. Sat on the poles surrounding the landfill and flew chasing a sparrow to the locusts on the side of the hill.
    "I saw 9 White-crowned Sparrows last evening in the grass and phrags across from the same pond. I saw 5 this morning in the same area. Both times 2 adults."  (Thanks, Chris!)


Bird Walk Next Tuesday

IMG_0914  Our next free nature walk with the Bergen County Audubon Society is Tuesday, March 16, at 10 a.m. The place is DeKorte, and yes, we'll look for the shrike.
   This photo was taken yesterday, by the bend in the road by the Maintenance Shed. (Please park off the road if you look for the shrike — it's a dangerous corner).

   Details about the walk follow.

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Sunday’s Walk: The Full List

IMG_0422    As promised, though a tad late, is a list of the birds we saw on Sunday's "Birding for Beginners" walk, done in cooperation with the fine folks at Bergen County Audubon Society.
    At left was one of the highlights — a nice flight of Northern Pintail flying overhead as we walked along the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve Trail.
   All told (or is it all tolled?), we counted nine species of duck, including Bufflehead and plenty of lazing Canvasback.
   We also had early Killdeer and lingering White-crowned Sparrow (in the usual spot, nearly the security guard booth).
   Non-bird sightings included an early slider and the unofficial mammal of the Meadowlands, the Muskrat.
  We did not see the shrike, though it wasn't for a lack of trying.

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Best Shrike Photos Yet? Plus Shrike Location Updates

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   Ron Shields has been terrific at locating (and photographing) the wily Northern shrike on Disposal Road. Ron took some amazing shots over the weekend, which he was kind enough to share with this blog.
  The shrike was seen at 1 p.m. today [Thursday] on Disposal Road "where the gray asphalt becomes brown asphalt," according to a birder from New York City. (Thanks!)
   The shrike was seen Wednesday by NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse along the edge of Harrier Meadow and the former Erie Landfill. Many of us suspected the over-caffeinated hunter was often nearby but out of sight, on the other side of a landfill. There you have it.

  More pix follow.

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Coyote on Disposal Road!

Just before 6 p.m. last night (Tuesday, March 9), we saw a Coyote cross Disposal Road and disappear into the area by the huge black tubes.

We did not have time to get a photo, but are passing along the info because we thought it would be of interest. Yet another species seen on Disposal Road in the past few months.

NJMC Guided Canoe Trips

    The Meadowlands Commission has announced its 2010 Guided Canoe Trip schedule, beginning on Saturday, May 15, at 8:30 a.m. at Mill Creek in Secaucus.
   The trips last roughly three hours, for ages 10 and up. Each canoe will hold up to three people, and it is a good idea to have at least one person in the canoe with some paddling experience.  Registration fee is $15 person, and preregistration is required.
   You can download the schedule and pre-registration form here.