Bird Report 072010

   Chris Takacs filed an amazing list of sightings from the Meadowlands the past few days, including Black Skimmers, a Peregrine Falcon, an American Kestrel, a Gray Ghost, 2 Blue Grosbeaks and a Clapper Rail.

 Full list follows. (Thanks, Chris!)

Peregrine Falcon has been seen in the evenings at DeKorte Park
Male Kestrel was seen Sunday along Valley Brook Ave. outside DeKorte
Male Northern Harrier over Clay Ave. Wetlands, Lyndhurst
Osprey, DeKorte Park
2 Blue Grosbeaks
Ring-necked Pheasant along Valley Brook Ave. Sunday
6 Black Skimmers Saturday at DeKorte, 2 on the Hackensack River, 1 Monday 
at Clay Ave. Wetlands
1-2 Least Terns at DeKorte (Saw Mill Trail)
18-20 Forster's Terns seen this morning at DeKorte
1 Breeding plumage Laughing Gull at DeKorte Saturday morning
Juv Clapper Rail seen on the shore of Hackensack River Saturday  morning
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron on the Hackensack River shore Saturday  morning
5-10 Black-Crowned Night Herons at DeKorte, more just after sunrise or before sunset
10-20 Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs seen at Clay Ave and Mill Creek Marsh, Secaucus
200+ Semi-palmated and Least Sandpipers seen today at 4PM (high  tide) Clay and Mill Creek Marsh
2-4 Short-billed Dowitchers at Clay and Mill Creek Marsh seen today at 5PM (High tide)
1 Western Sandpiper at Mill Creek Marsh
6-10 Spotted Sandpipers at DeKorte, 1 young today running along the trail 
at Mill Creek
100+ Barn Swallows this morning in the Phrags at DeKorte
3-4 Bank Swallows with the Barns
Numerous Indigo Buntings and Marsh Wrens across the area
Eastern Kingbirds still tending to young at DeKorte
Seeing 1000+ shorebirds Monday afternoon in the Meadowlands has to mean the 
migration has begun.

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