These are the main types of sandpipers we are getting at DeKorte these days. These were photographed on a free guided Marsh Discovery Trail walk last week.
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These are the main types of sandpipers we are getting at DeKorte these days. These were photographed on a free guided Marsh Discovery Trail walk last week.
Can you identify them?
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Lots of great butterflies around these days, including this Monarch photographed recently by R.T. Geoghan. (Thanks, R.T.!)
After the noon Marsh Discovery walk today, we checked the Jill Ann Ziemkiewicz Butterfly Garden and nearby Butterfly Bushes and saw at least 10 species in less than 10 minutes: Monarch, Viceroy, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Red Admiral, Pearl Crescent, Common Buckeye, Silver-spotted Skipper, Broad-winged Skipper, Cabbage White, Wild Indigo Duskywing.