Am. Avocet Update, Pix and Video + Sora, Least Bittern

Rob Fanning reports that the American Avocet continues in the farthest Shorebird Pool impoundment this morning. He also has seen an American Kestrel, plus a Peregrine Falcon that has been divebombing shorebirds. We also have a report of a Sora and a Pectoral Sandpiper in the Shorebird Pool. A Least Bittern has been seen three of the last four evenings around 6 p.m.

We have gotten some nifty images and video of the avocet. We are posting them here, with an eye to posting a report on Kevin Karlson Day tomorrow — and  some pix of an immature Peregrine Falcon strafing the avocet.

Pic by Jeff Nicol is above. Pic by Marc Schoenholz is below. Video by Ray Duffy is here.  (Thanks, Rob, Jeff, Marc and Ray!)


2 thoughts on “Am. Avocet Update, Pix and Video + Sora, Least Bittern

  1. Mike G.

    August 23
    A Sora was seen again today just beyond the entrance to the Discovery Trail before 3:00 p.m. I got there too late to see it for myself, but another Audubon member had, and had clear pocket camera photo to prove it — actually a very good photo considering the camera and the digital zoom.
    We also saw the “Kevin Karlson Avocet” at around 3:35 napping in the north edge of the Discovery Pool from the last north-facing blind.


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