Bird Report: Disposal Road 011311

Mike Girone reports:

Was around the AmVets Carillon on Disposal Rd. again today from 3 – 4:30 p.m. A light-morph Rough-leg appeared over the landfall just as I parked. It hovered over the landfall briefly, then flew behind some trees and I didn't see it again.

Did see at least 4 Northern Harriers, including 2 Gray Ghosts (1 sub-adult, 1 full-adult). The sub-adult caught and ate a small unidentified prey item behind the retention pond.

An adult Red-shouldered Hawk (above) was perch-hunting from a small tree near the yellow Transco Trail gate, then flew behind the Carillon towards the Saw Mill Creek trail gate.

Near the end of the day, a male American Kestrel flew by and briefly hovered over the Erie landfill, and an adult Red-tailed Hawk soaring over Disposal Rd. closed things out at the Carillon.
I've attached 2 pics of the Red-shoulder that flew by the Carillon earlier in the day.


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