Great Captions

We have to confess that Tuesday's teaser was a bit goofy — about a lone duck on some floating ice in Teal Pool.

We asked readers to submit their own captions to supplement our suggestions — "Cold Duck" and "Go with the floe."

Here are readers' captions:

Karen said: "How big is this iceberg? Things are quite ducky out here."

Bill said: "This is still a lot cleaner and quieter than the Seal Pool."

Don said: "Duck Enough NOT to FLY."

Dave said: Female Canvasback in "ice-olation."

Rob said: "I'll take a Canvasback please–but hold the ice…"

Julie said: "I was going with 'I feel the earth – move – under my feet…' for this female canvasback. And she was in the Teal Pool? Going against type…"

Beth said: "Hmmm, wondering if this ice will quack?"

Thanks to all. It's clearly been a long winter.

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