Daily Archives: September 13, 2011

Next Walk: Tuesday, Harrier Meadow & Bird-banding

IMG_8357  Our next walk is the amazing Harrier Meadow in North Arlington — kicked off with a bird-banding demonstration by the Meadowlands Commission's Mike Newhouse.

This is a great double-header: Harrier Meadow is a 70-acre natural area typically closed to the public, and bird-banding is a rare chance to see wild birds up-close and learn about how banding birds helps research in the Meadowlands and beyond.

As of this morning, the American Avocet (above, from today) and a Forster's Tern were still hanging out in one of the Harrier impoundments.

The walks are sponsored by the Meadowlands Commission and Bergen County Audubon Society.

Full info follows.

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Saturday’s Mystery Moth

This moth, roughly the size of a quarter, was looking into the IMG_0410 Meadowlands Environment Center on Saturday during BirdFest, and hung around for the folks at the 11:30 a.m. Butterfly Walk and well into the afternoon.

We knew it was a moth, albeit an unlikely one, but did a brain freeze trying to remember what kind. We promised we would post the answer.

Here goes: The answer is… It is a Plume Moth.

A link with more info on Plume Moths is here.

Another photo of this T-shaped moth from Saturday follows.

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