Thanks to Deedee Burnside for identifying this plant — Moth Mullein — photographed on a Harrier Meadow walk last month.
More on Moth Mullein here.
Thanks to Deedee Burnside for identifying this plant — Moth Mullein — photographed on a Harrier Meadow walk last month.
More on Moth Mullein here.
We photographed this bird at the BirdFest bird-banding demonstration.
The banders had a heck of a time trying to figure out whch flycatcher it was, and Banding Project Leader Mike Newhouse suggested we use it for the Tuesday Teaser.
At least two of the commenters requested more information, and we are now in the process of getting that info.
We hope to have more tomorrow.
Thanks to all who responded –this might be our toughest yet.
As commenter Rick Wright observed:
"Photos of empids are even harder than empids in the hand, which are sometimes harder than empids in the field!"
Have you been to DeKorte's newest butterfly garden yet?
We're the first to say that it is brand-new and a work in progress, and it can be a tad muddy with all the recent rain, but the potential is huge — especially in the afternoon, when the Sun shines on the Butterfly Bushes.
The plants were a donation of the Bergen County Audubon Society, and they are already "bearing fruit."
We had five species of butterflies there the other afternoon, including an American Snout — plus a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird. (Thanks, BCAS!)