What a double-header — a guided walk, and then a talk and signing by "Meadowlands" author Thomas F. Yezerski (above). They are both this Sunday at DeKorte Park, and they both are free!
First up is SuperBird Sunday guided walk, which starts at 10 a.m. The 90-minute walk, sponsored by the N.J. Meadowlands Commission and Bergen County Audubon Society, includes valuable prizes for the first person to see a bird that an NFL team is named for — Raven, Cardinal, Eagle, Falcon or Seahawk. (Not to worry: legendary birder Bob O'Link, pictured at right, will not be on this walk.)
Following the walk will be a free talk and artist's reception for Thomas F. Yezerski, the author/illustrator of the acclaimed children's book "Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival Story." A link to that post is here.
Full details on both events follow.

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