Daily Archives: February 20, 2012

Don’t Forget: Freee Harrier Meadow Walk Tomorrow

Our next guided walk is tomorrow (Tuesday) at Harrier Meadow in North Arlington at 10 a.m.

With this wacky weather, who knows what we'll see. We did have a couple of Killdeer and yellowlegs there last week, along with tons of Common Mergs and other duckage. Dress warmly if the forecast indicates — can be very windy in Harrier Meadow. Full info on Tuesday's walk follows.


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Not Just Another Pretty Face

One ugly fellowDennis Cheeseman passed along this shot of a Groundhog near the Kingsland Overlook Trail. When it comes to keeping up appearances, this is one rude dude.

One theory is that it probably just broke hibernation and has been curled up in a burrow for the last few months, which would give him that "just got out of bed" look, but this might go well beyond that.

(Thanks, Dennis!)