An Awesome Moth Night!

The Meadowlands Commission and Bergen County Audubon Society would like to thank all the folks who turned out last night for our first annual IMG_2807
Moth Night. We stopped counting around 100 or so.

Equally important we would like to thank Dave Moskowitz and the team from National Moth Week for providing the lights and expertise and putting on such an amazing program.

We will be posting more photos as time allows — including a bunch of moths that we probably could use some help identifying.

Ar one point, Dave estimated that we had 100 species of moths either at the light set-ups (we had three of them) or the trees with a special moth-magnet brew on them.

A couple of moth pix follow, just to wet your whistle.

Zale Moth



2 thoughts on “An Awesome Moth Night!

  1. Denise F.

    Just a guess for the 2 unidentified moths. (I got my field guide only a few weeks ago.)
    Small, “golden colored” moth: Celery Leaftier
    The last moth pictured: Lucerne

  2. Pingback: What You Might See in July | The Meadowlands Nature Blog

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