Daily Archives: July 19, 2012

Photo of Morris County Tagged Egret!

Tagged GREG Hanover Twshp, NJ, July 17 2012  IMG_9439 copy
Susan Elbin of NYC Audubon passed along this shot of the tagged Great Egret seen in Morris County earlier this week, photographed by Jonathan Klizas. (Another tagged egret was seen in Lyndhurst this week, by Chris Takacs).

The Morris County bird hailed from Jamaica Bay. The Lyndhurst bird possibly hailed from Hoffman's Island near Staten Island.

Susan Elbin asks birders to be on the lookout for tagged egrets  — please report any sightings to selbin (at) nycaudubon.org.

Thanks, Jonathan and Susan!

Link to a blog post on the Morris County sighting is here.

Link to earlier post on Lyndhurst tagged egret is here.



Be on the Lookout: Wing-Tagged Egrets!

On Tuesday morning, Chris Takacs saw a wing-tagged Great Egret at the Clay Avenue wetlands in Lyndhurst.

Susan Elbin of NYC Audubon, which runs the Harbor Herons wing-tagging program, writes …

"That's one of my babies (young of the year). It's either from Hoffman Island or from Jamaica Bay.

We need to know the numbers on the tag to be sure.

It would be FANTASTIC if birders in the Meadowlands would report any sightings to you (ideally with photos)!

Nellie Tsipoura of NJ Audubon and I are also trying to figure out where the egrets roost (at night)…especially as migration approaches.

Can birders in the Meadowlands help with that, too? If you know of any areas where Great Egrets congregate in large numbers during the evening….

Hoffman Island is a small artificial IMG_5113island off Staten Island, more than a dozen miles south of the Meadowlands. Photo of Hoffman is on right.

Contact Susan Elbin at selbin (at) nycaudubon.org if you see any wing-tagged or banded egrets — or know of roosting sites.

(Thanks, Chris and Susan!)

For a link to a post about banded egrets from Hoffman Island from two years ago, click here.

The NJMC's Jim Wright, who keeps this blog, is giving a free talk and slide show on a brief history of birds in the Meadowlands on Tuesday, July 31, at 2 p.m.

The event will be held in the 1-img144-001Meadowlands Environment Center auditorium in DeKorte Park.

Topics will include Meadowlands birds that have made remarkable comebacks, gone extinct or rebounded in a most unexpected way.

The slide show will include a mix of archival images and recent Meadowlands nature photography.

Wright is the author of the upcoming coffee-table book, "The Nature of the Meadowlands," to be published by Schiffer Books this fall.

The talk, part of the MEC's summer senior programming, is open to all.

For more information or to rsvp, call (201) 777-2431 or (201) 460-8300.