Daily Archives: May 5, 2014

Two Great Losen Slote Walks Yesterday

Don Torino of Bergen Audubon Society reports:

We had two wonderful walks at Losen Slote Creek park in Little Ferry on Sunday morning,

Northern Water Thrush, Common Yellow-throat, Yellow Warblers, Black-throated Blue and Black-throated Green warblers among many others, plus, Solitary and Spotted Sandpipers.

We ended the trip with great looks at a Scarlet Tanager, but best of all we had a great group of folks along with us.

(Thanks, Don!)

Mickey Raine @DeKorte: Tanager, Ibis, Fox, Plus

050314 FTD B Tanager Scarlet 001df RchrdDKorte Park Mdwlnds NJ 050314 OK FLICKR  Mickey Raine writes:

Saturday was quite an experience for us at Richard DeKorte Park. in hopes of seeing the GLOSSY IBIS once more.

The GLOSSY IBIS is quite uncommon for the Meadowlands, as per the brochure and what old timers have told us, and yesterday, within a short time, again toward the latter part of the afternoon, we were fortunate in that both the WHITE CROWNED SPARROW and the SCARLET TANAGER were seen, and captured on record.

The WCS was at a pretty good distance from us, so the photos are not nearly as nice as we would have liked, but there is not doubt about its ID. Now, as for the Scarlet Tanager (above) . . . What an amazingly beautiful, rich tone of red.


More description and a rainbow photo follow. Continue reading

Flyway Gallery: ‘Nature of Meadowlands’ Images

Nature of Meadowlands cover lg-001Stunning nature photography and seldom-seen archival images from the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) coffee-table book, “The Nature of the Meadowlands,” will be on display in the Meadowlands Environment Center’s Flyway Gallery from Thursday, May 15, through Friday, June 27. A reception is scheduled for Sunday, June 1, from noon to 2 p.m.

The show will feature images by the three prinicipal photographers for the book — Ron Shields, Marco Van Brabant and the NJMC’s Jim Wright — as well as illustrator Thomas Yezerski and several other North Jersey photographers.

Archival images from the acclaimed book, published by Schiffer Books, will be on view as well — including one of the last days of a Secaucus pig farm. The June 1 reception will be preceded by a two-hour nature walk beginning at 10 a.m. in Dekorte Park in Lyndhurst, the home of the NJMC and the Flyway Gallery.

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