Daily Archives: May 9, 2014

DeKorte Park Restrooms on Weekends

If you need to use a restroom at DeKorte on the weekend, please be aware that the restrooms in the Meadowlands Environment Center are now open for 15 minutes every hour, at the top of the hour, from 8 a.m. to dusk. Just something to keep in mind when you visit….

Baltimore Orioles at DeKorte

1-Baltimore_Oriole_1Muhammad Faizan took these shots along the Kingsland Overlook on Sunday.

(Thanks, Muhammad!)

Sunday: Ridgefield Mother’s Day Walk!

IMG_5220This Sunday is our fifth annual Mother’s Day Walk in Ridgefield — featuring a walk through the Rifgefield Nature Center, the nearby Community Gardens, a visit to see the local Monk Parakeets, and visit to the Skeetkill Creek Marsh.

Afterward, we’ll drive to Bell Drive and see what kind of avian activity is near the Bald Eagle nesting site.

Full details follow. Continue reading