Daily Archives: June 6, 2014

Of Laurel Hill, Pigs and Sopranos

The current Flyway Gallery show featuring images from the 1-Flyway-program-page-001NJMC’s “Nature of the Meadowlands” is generated a nice buzz not only because of the nature photography and illustrations but also because of the history — notably Laurel Hill and the pig farms of old Secaucus, and the photo of Pizza Land. (Three of the those images from the gallery show are featured above.)

Next week, starting on Monday, this blog will feature more old Secaucus pig pix, plus  a map of “Soprano Land” that features the Meadowlands (but not, curiously, Pizza Land”) and a most bizarre old Secaucus newspaper clipping.

Grosbeak, + pic of Last Week’s Whimbrel

Claus Holzapfel writes:

I heard and saw  a Blue Grosbeak Wednesday morning along the Teal Pool section of the Transco  Trail.

I believe these are not too common this far north in NJ.  Got an (for my standards) acceptable photo. I also have terrible record shot of the Whimbrel last week (May 29) . Both are attached.

Thanks, Claus!

Banded Bunting

Muhammad Faizan writes:

I was reviewing some of the recent pics at DeKorte. Found this picture of a banded Indigo Bunting._MG_0904-2

Light was pretty bad, and bird was some distance away.

I can see the numbers are upside down but if you guys can make sense of the numbers here …

(Thanks, Faizan! We couldn’t make sense of the numbers, but NJMC naturalist Mike Newhouse reports that of the 27,450 birds that his crew has banded, 350 were Indigo Buntings. So it could be “one of ours.”)