Our Third Tuesday of the Month Walk for June is the amazing Laurel Hill County Park in Secaucus, which abounds in both natural history and local history. Never know what you’ll see at Laurel Hill — Common Ravens, Red-tails, Peregrines and more. The walk begins at 10 a.m.
Full information follows.Tuesday, June 17, 10 a.m.
Third-Tuesday-of-the-Month Bird Walk with the NJMC and BCAS
This free two-hour guided nature walk will take place at Laurel Hill County Park in Secaucus. We’ll look for Peregrine Falcons, shorebirds, herons, nesting ospreys and more. We meet at the big parking lot by the Laurel Hill ball fields at 10 a.m. The walk is run by the N.J. Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society. Check meadowblog.net for last-minute weather updates. You will have to sign a standard liability release that is good for NJMC/BCAS events throughout the year. To rsvp, contact Don Torino of the BCAS at greatauk4@aol.com or 201-230-4983.