Daily Archives: September 15, 2014

Hackensack River Peregrines

IMG_0919On two NJMC pontoon-boat trips, Friday and Saturday, we were treated to nice looks at a Peregrine each day — the juvenile (above and below) on Friday and an adult on Saturday.IMG_0929-001

The juvie had returned to the perch at its nest, and was napping when our boat went by. It opened its eyes just long enough to see what was going on.

This has been a great year for nesting Peregrines on the Hackensack River. We had a total of three successful nests.

As recently as seven years ago, we had none.

Now that’s progress — and another sign that river is coming back.

Glossy Ibis @ Mill Creek Marsh


Laura Frazer photographed this distant Glossy Ibis at Mill Creek Marsh on Sunday. She writes:

I saw it at low tide (around 10am) near the first fork in the trail when walking from the parking area. I didn’t see it when I got there, did the entire loop, and saw it on my way back to the car.

(Thanks, Laura!)