Daily Archives: September 17, 2014

Tuesday’s Walk: the Full List

DSCN1153IMG_5166 (2) copyWe had a nifty bird-banding demonstration on Tuesday morning, thanks to the NJMC’s Milke Newhouse and his terrific band of banders. that was followed a walk in Harrier Meadow.

As the walk progessed, the weather got better and better — to the point that we had sunshine by the time we returned to the banding station (in time to see the above Black-and-white Warbler” drop by).

(Thanks to Alice Leurck for the photo above.)

We’ll post some bird-banding shots tomorrow as time allows.

Full  list follows. Continue reading

Monarchs Moving Through

DSCN1254Amid reports that Monarch numbers are down again, we have been seeing quite a few in recent days– at Harrier Meadow on yesterday’s walk, in DeKorte Park, and elsewhere.

To all of you have planted/shared milkweed, the Monarchs say thank you!  Photo above was taken at Jill’s Garden yesterday with a point-and-shoot.