Monthly Archives: October 2014

How to Search This Blog

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Trying to find something on the blog — an upcoming walk, a certain photographer’s photos, posts on Muskrats, sightings of a favorite butterfly?

Don’t forget that you can search 5 years of blog posts by using the Google search engine in the upper-right part of the blog. Let the searches begin.

The Pelican Contest Winner Is…

DSCN9046Congratulations to Sura Polne, who came closest to predicting the date when George the Pelican would be last seen in DeKorte Park.

The rare pelican was first seen on July 6 on our First Sunday of the Month walk. We started the contest in mid-August. He was last seen on Friday, Oct. 17. The above photo is the last photo of George in DeKorte Park that we know of. (If you listen closely, you can hear the sad violin music accompanying the photo.)

George stayed at least 104 days — he may have been there earlier and we just did not see the little (when you are far away) guy. He was named after the crime novelist George Pelecanos.

Here are the winners  (drum roll, please):
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Don Torino Column: ATVs vs. Wildlife

Photo by Don Torino

Don Torino’s latest column for is about the environmental destruction caused by illegal all-terrain vehicles — including in Losen Slote (Creek) Park.

Here’s the opening:

“The preservation and protection of open space and wildlife habitat have always been dear to the citizens of New Jersey.

“Despite our deep concerns we still continue to be up against unchecked over development and a source of funding to purchase the remaining critical habitat that remains in the Garden State.

“But there is another less talked about threat to many of our  already precious preserved wild places — illegal off-road vehicles.”

The link is here.

Losen Slote Walk: The Full List


DSCN9102We had a great walk at Losen Slote (Creek) Park yesterday, featuring a Hermit Thrush convention — apparently they are not hermits after all…

Fourteen folks saw more than 30 species, including three kinds of wobblers, a cameo appeareance by Pine Siskins (they are moving through the region these days) and a Sharpie (they are moving through the region these days as well).

Full list follows. Continue reading