Daily Archives: January 5, 2015

Godwit Update

The Marbled Godwit was still hanging out in the Shorebird Pool around 4:45 p.m., having survived a talons-out attack by a Northern Harrier.

Godwit can be seen as a speck above; was on the left-hand side of the right-most island.

Let’s hope it’s there again Tuesday.

Ron Shields’ Ridgefield Park Eagle Pix


Alice by the nest (on left)

Ron Shields stopped by the Bald Eagle nest late last month and managed to get photos of the Alice near the nest, and Al eating a fish. In the one close-up, you can see Alice’s antenna. (Thanks, Ron!)

Don’t miss Ron’s talk at the Meadowlands Environment Center on Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 2 p.m.