Monthly Archives: March 2015

Audubon Helps Fund Park Enhancements

Don Torino of BCAS presents a check for $3780 to NJMC Landscape Architect Katy Weidel.

Don Torino of BCAS presents a check for $3780 to NJMC Landscape Architect Katy Weidel.

The Bergen County Audubon Society, together with the National Audubon Society, has awarded a grant of $3,780 to the NJMC Parks Group to be used for enhanced native plantings at Mill Creek Marsh, especially near the entrance gate. The plants will be in place when the trail reopens following Superstorm Sandy repairs, slated to begin April 1, 2015. Work will be complete by the fall.

Many thanks to BCAS for being both our partners and supporters!

Birders Need Their Own Time Zone

Longo birding group“… birders should have their clocks set to “Birding Time” this will enable us to take advantage of migration season…and for the times we must drive across the state for a rare bird alert. By being on “Birding Time” we will never be late for work or school. When the boss asks why you are late you can say “I am on Birding Time” and you will be excused.”

This is #4 on Don Torino’s list of proposed New Rules for Birders. See his other suggestions in this Wild New Jersey article.

Don Torino is Having Visions

“… visions of Orioles feeding on my Trumpet vine, Monarch caterpillars munching on milkweed and Hummingbirds visiting my Cardinal Flower dancing in my head.”

Like the rest of us, Don can’t wait for spring. Read his wonderful new article for Wild New Jersey here.

And don’t forget to sign up for his April 14th Lunch ‘n Learn talk Build a Better Butterfly Garden. $6/person, $5/MEC members. Register here.

How Does a Harsh Winter Affect Wildlife?

WildTurkey wikimedia“Freezing temperatures and record amounts of snow in New England have been tough on humans this winter. They’ve also made life difficult for many forms of wildlife. For some, including salmon and an endangered mussel, the worst may still be ahead because quickly melting snow could lead to heavy spring floods.”

While New Jersey didn’t get as much snow as Boston… it was certainly a tough winter…and apparently it’s not quite done with us yet. This article was compiled with the help of Meagan Racey, public affairs specialist with the Northeast Region of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Read it here.

Newark Vertical Farm: Jobs and Fresh Greens

Aerofarms-NewarkThis $30 million project is underway now in New Jersey’s largest city. A former steel factory is being converted into the largest indoor vertical farm in the world, according to an announcement today from an investment group backing the development. The investors have partnered with Newark city officials and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority to convert the 69,000 square foot facility in the Ironbound section of Newark.

Once completed, the facility will be able to produce about two million pounds of green vegetables and herbs each year. It will partially open in the second half of this year, the group said. Organizers plan to bring 78 jobs to the city by the end of 2015. Read all about it here.

Learn How You Can Help Nesting Birds

Robin eggs Linda BowersPress release from Cornell Lab of Ornithology:
“Springtime is nesting time, and that means another season of beautiful birdsong, colorful eggs, and downy nestlings. Spring also brings another season of NestWatch, a free citizen-science project from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volunteers have been helping the Lab monitor nesting birds for 50 years, keeping tabs on open-cup nests and actively putting out the welcome mat for species that prefer a cozy cavity.” Click here for more.

Signs of Spring


There were glimpses of spring on our Tuesday walk, despite the recent return of winter temperatures. Krysti Sabins, who maintains a website called Unboring Exploring, shared a few shots she took that day. Many thanks to her. Visit her website here.





A Lucky (Ducky) Day

Northern Shoveler 2It was a lucky St. Patrick’s Day for Roy Woodford. He braved the stiff winds and even laid on the ground to get these amazing shots of Northern Shovelers.
Northern ShovelerRoy writes, “Now that the ice is melting, some ducks are returning.  Aside from the Shovelers, I saw a bunch of Hooded Merganser, Common Mergansers, and Canvasbacks.  Duck season isn’t over just yet.” Thanks for sharing Roy!