Here’s the second part of Mickey Raine’s recent Mill Creek Marsh shots. Some great variety here! Have a good night everyone, and happy birding tomorrow as the temps continue to rise!
Mickey Raine sent in these photos of Great Egrets and Great and Snowy Egrets hanging out together at Mill Creek Mash. Mickey, who frequents Mill Creek, says now is the time to get those Great Egret photos at the marsh:
The number of Great Egret sightings there are now dwindling, but if folks were to visit before long, they may be lucky enough to catch them together with the far more common Snowy Egrets for that landscape. Some of the photos of the Egrets reflect how both kinds can be seen together.
We’ll have part two of Mickey’s Scenes from the Marsh later today. Thanks Mickey!
Thanks to all who came out to the BCAS’ annual Mother’s Day Walk in Ridgefield on Sunday. The group traversed the Ridgefield Nature Center and Skeetkill Creek Marsh.
Jim Wright was kind enough to share photos he took of Monk Parakeets and an oriole taking off from his nest. Jim, who writes “The Bird Watcher” column for The Record, runs a fantastic blog on nature happenings around the State, with awesome photos. Be sure to check out the blog, Celery Farm and Beyond