In today’s installment of this week’s Meadowlands Visits series, we’ve got a groundhog and muskrat taking center stage. Thanks to Mickey Raine for supplying the photos from Mill Creek Marsh and Mill Creek Point Park. We’ll finish the weeklong series tomorrow with more muskrats!
Daily Archives: May 25, 2017
Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: Get Your Wildlife Garden Certified by Bergen County Audubon Society!
For all of us who have grown up or have lived anywhere in New Jersey for any length of time, we all know far too well how much natural surroundings we have lost over the years.
Today our preserved natural areas have become a quiltwork of fragmented fields and forests that have become surrounded by suburban overdevelopment and landscaped with foreign plant species. This has stressed our birds, butterflies and pollinator population to their limits, with little left with for their battle for survival.