Monthly Archives: May 2017

Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: Get Your Wildlife Garden Certified by Bergen County Audubon Society!

For all of us who have grown up or have lived anywhere  in New Jersey for any length of time,  we all know far too well how much natural surroundings we have lost over the years.

Today our preserved natural areas have become a quiltwork of fragmented fields and forests that have become surrounded by suburban overdevelopment and landscaped with foreign plant species. This has stressed our birds, butterflies and pollinator population to their limits, with little left with for their battle for survival.

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Words of Wisdom to Start the Week

BCAS President Don Torino had a great letter to the editor in yesterday’s Record. Words of wisdom to start your week:

As a person that leads local nature walks almost every weekend I can attest first hand to the wonderful positive effects being a part of nature and in nature has on everyone who just manages to spend a few hours a week walking our local parks and nature centers.

We are blessed to have great places like the Meadowlands, Teaneck Creek and many more oases that are close to home, sometimes in walking distance to many people who live in the most densely populated state.

We need to keep connected to and utilize our nature preserves so that we better understand how to protect them in the future and in doing so we can lead happier and healthier lives  for ourselves, our families and for future generations.

All Grown Up

Here’s a turtle just a bit bigger than the one in the last post! Thanks to Mickey Raine for this great shot and more taken recently at Mill Creek Marsh, Mill Creek Point Park and DeKorte Park!

Great Egrets

Great Egrets

Double-crested Cormorant

Greater Yellowlegs

Least Sandpipers

Mute Swans