The Scarlet Tanager is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Wonderful photos by Mickey Raine at Mill Creek Marsh. The Tanager is not often seen in these parts, we’re lucky to get a couple a year at DeKorte. We’ll have more photos tomorrow morning.
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Mother’s Day Walk in Ridgefield!
Take mom out for a nature walk this Sunday morning! The Bergen County Audubon Society’s annual Mother’s Day walk starts at 10 am at the Ridgefield Nature Center, Shaler Boulevard at Ray Avenue. We’ll walk around the 5.4-acre natural area and visit Skeetkill Creek Marsh, with a stop to see Monk Parakeets on the way. For more information email Don Torino or call 201-230-4983
Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: A Reminder to Plant Milkeed In Every Yard!
To be sure we in the environmental movement have many battles to fight and countless challenges ahead. Issues from climate change to saving endangered species make our grass roots efforts more important than ever. But very often many of the people we ask for help feel they want to do more and sometimes feel powerless when some of these issues seem to get more overwhelming and complex.
But this year, this spring, right now, there is something positive and important we can all do to help a species on the edge. We can all make a trip to a local garden center and bring home some milkweed, plant it in the ground, and you just have helped a species on the brink and nearing the endangered species list: the Monarch Butterfly.
Why Hello There
This cute Blue-headed Vireo looks ready for some conversation. Thanks to Dennis Cheeseman for sending this shot taken this morning at DeKorte. Below are some other irresistible avians that Dennis got at lunchtime back at DeKorte. Enjoy!
Put Your Hands Together
A round of applause for some great photos of a Clapper Rail in DeKorte by Ron Shields yesterday evening.
Ron reports:A nice surprise this evening was a clapper rail found foraging along the Saw Mill Creek Trail at low tide. At one point, the rail actually crossed over the trail to get to the other side. No pun intended! Although I see clapper rails regularly in the Saw Mill Creek WMA, my personal sightings at DeKorte Park have been few and far between.
Thanks Ron!
Standing Proud
This Tree Swallow looks proud to have his photo taken, striking a presidential portrait pose. Great shot by Mickey Raine at Mill Creek Marsh last week! Check out some more photos from Mickey taken at the Marsh below of a fellow Tree Swallow, the ancient cedar stumps, Least Sandpipers and Lesser Yellowlegs. Especially love the Sandpipers in force among the cedar stumps!
Egrets in Their Mating Splendor
Check out the vivid colors around these Snowy Egrets’ eyes and the rest of their bodies, and the plumage starting to appear on some of them at the back. They’re tell-tale signs that it’s mating season. Thanks to Mickey Raine for sending in the shots from Mill Creek Marsh that really capture the Egrets in all their mating splendor!
Thank You Cleanup Volunteers!!!
Thanks to all who came out yesterday, including Little Ferry Mayor Mauro Raguseo (right), for the Bergen County Audubon Society’s Losen Slote Creek Park cleanup and helping to keep this treasure clean! Losen Slote is one of the last remaining upland woodlands in the Meadowlands District.
The cleanup was preceded by a nature walk. Check out Joe Koscielny’s great bird photos below!
Coyle Park Planting
Bergen County Audubon Society members Don Torino and Regina Coyle spent part of last Thursday putting in 30 native plants at Coyle Park in Little Ferry. If you’re wondering, yes, the park is named after Regina, in honor of her selfless efforts in helping people affected by Superstorm Sandy.
The plants will attract butterflies and pollinators and bloom throughout the summer. Coyle Park is located behind Memorial Middle School. Kudos to Regina, Don and the BCAS!