With bird migration here, the New Jersey Audubon Society’s World Series of Birding is just around the corner – Saturday, May 14. The past champion Meadowlands Marsh Hawks are competing once again and need your help. The Marsh Hawks are raising money to purchase transmitters to help researchers track the movements of Harbor Herons and their foraging locations in New Jersey and New York.
There’s also an educational aspect to their efforts. Children in schools on Staten Island have “adopted” Clarence, one of the egrets that was tagged last year. These students have been following the bird’s movements all year with text messages that are being sent from the transmitter placed on the egret’s back – the device does not harm or cause discomfort to the bird. The kids are having discussions on bird migration, bird behavior, and bird and habitat conservation.
The money raised from this year’s effort will provide more transmitters to be placed on birds so more invaluable data can be collected and further the opportunity for children to be involved in the project.
The Marsh Hawks consist of local birders Chris Takacs, Mike Wolfe, Zachary Batren and Mike Newhouse.
For more on how to support the team, click here.
About the World Series of Birding
The World Series of Birding is a 24-hour event in which teams compete to tally as many species of birds by sight or sound as possible. The objective is to raise money for their favorite environmental cause, and to focus worldwide attention upon the habitat needs of migrating birds. People may pledge fixed donations or amounts per species seen.