We recently interviewed Paulette Ramsey, who talks about her late husband, Richard W. DeKorte, and his foresight and contributions to the Meadowlands.
As a state assemblyman in the late 1960s, DeKorte was instrumental in crafting the legislation that created the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission. DeKorte Park is named in his honor.
DeKorte also laid out the foundation for the region’s environmental restoration and economic development over the past four decades.
He also laid out the foundation for the region’s environmental restoration and economic development over the past four decades.
In the interviews, Mrs. Ramsey talks about her late husband’s foresight and contributions to the Meadowlands, as well as NJMC’s collaboration with Ramapo College and the district today.
A plaque (above) in the lobby of the NJMC Administration Building at DeKorte Park honors his memory.