Daily Archives: October 10, 2008

BIRD BANDING: Week of 100608 – 101008

    This week was an amazing week for bird-Img_7726_3banding in North Arlington, with 667 birds banded  — including more than 200 Yellow Rumps and more than 100 Palm Warblers.

 Click "Continue reading…" immediately below for more information and this week's tally.

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HARRIER MEADOW: The first guided public walk


Group     We had a solid turnout for the first guided walk at Harrier Meadow on Wednesday.

    Eight birders and plant aficianados saw 33 species, including Kestrels, both kinds of Kinglets, a Green Heron Redtail1 and an amazing up-close view of a Redtail.

    We also saw a tiny non-poisonous snake warming up on the path and a bunch of nifty fungi.

    We still have space for a few more people on the next walk on Wednesday Oct. 15 at 12:30 p.m. The Saturday, Oct. 25, walk at 8:30 is wait-listed. We will announce more walks on this blog.

   If you would like to have your name added to the e-mail list for future Harrier Meadow walks, e-mail us here.

    For a full list of bird species seen and heard on the walk, plus a few more photos, click "Continue reading…" immediately below.

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