The rough stretch of road connecting Schuyler Avenue in North Arlington and DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst is officially called Disposal Road or AMVETS Way, but these days it's Raptor Road.
Every trip we've made along the road in the past week, we've seen a redtail or kestrel or marsh hawk. The female marsh hawk was seen hunting along the Kingsland Landfill last Thursday.
The Marsh Hawk (Northern Harrier) is endangered in New Jersey. The American Kestrel is a species of special concern.
For more raptor shots, click "Continue reading…" below.
Saw this red-tailed hawk on Monday afternoon by the AMVETS carillon.
Saw this turkey vulture overhead by the Carillon on Friday.
Saw this American kestrel by Erie Landfill on Friday, but you can see them 'most any day.
As you likely noticed, skies were pretty washed out on Friday.