Small-Mouth Bass in the Kearny Marsh


   When we were kayaking in the Kearny marsh last week, we saw many great examples of nature on the reboIMG_0210und.

   Now that the Meadowlands Commission has spent tens of millions of dollars to overhaul the old Keegan Landfill, leachate no longer seeps into the marsh, and catch-and-release fishing is thriving.

  The fish are not safe to eat yet, but they are another indication that the marsh –and the Meadowlands are  coming back strong.

  We watched as the gentleman who caught this fish gently released it back into the marsh.

   We also saw another angler broke his reel when he tried to catch one of these big boys — the old "one that got away."

4 thoughts on “Small-Mouth Bass in the Kearny Marsh

  1. Rob

    Stumbled across this page while doing some fishing research. The species posted above is actually a Largemouth Bass. Awesome/surprising to see they are living and I suppose thriving in the marsh there! I frequent the Passaic River and given its bad reputation, the fishing is off-the-charts good.


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