Daily Archives: December 12, 2009

Bird Report 121209 Part Two

   Ray Duffy reports he saw the shrike this afternoon on Disposal Road …

   He took some pix — a link is here.

  We will look for this bird on our walk tomorrow, which begins at 10 a.m. with a raptor talk at DeKorte Park.

   Neil Maruca reports: "Cold but fun day in the northern Meadowlands.   Certain locations were iced over (Skeetkill Marsh, Mill Creek), the ones that weren't (Mehrhof Pond, Cromakill Creek Marsh) had good waterfowl counts.

  "Mehrhof held 800+ Ruddies, a Pied Billed Grebe, all 3 merganser sp. (including 30 Hooded! ), 31 Lesser Scaup, 3 Ring Necked Ducks, 1 Greater Scaup, Gadwall, Mallard, Shoveler, Pintail, GW Teal and 5 Great Blue Herons.

   "Cromakill Creek had 400+ Green Wing Teal & 52 Killdeer.

  "Mill Creek Marsh had terrific views of a Grey Ghost harrier coursing the area,  Mill Creek Point Marsh (1) and Oritani Marsh also had harriers today."

Bird Report, 121209

  Daniel Brill reported on Jersey Birds that  "a Northern Shrike was seen late Friday at the edge of DeKorte Park immediately north of the north end of Saw Mill Creek Trail on either side of Disposal Road. 

   "The nearby impoundments held Mallard, Black Duck, Pintail, Green-winged Teal, and Gadwall."  (Thanks, Daniel!)

   There have been no reported sightings as yet today.

   More on Northern Shrikes here.