Daily Archives: December 17, 2009

Bird Report: Laurel Hill Raven

   Ray Duffy reports: "At Laurel Hill this morning around 9, a Common Raven was bullying a Northern Harrier and an accipiter trying to give them the hint to move out of the area behind the Xchange/Paddle Center.  I saw it flying with some food in its mouth by Laurel Hill a little later on." (Thanks, Ray!)

   Here's a link to a post on the Laurel Hill ravens from last spring. Photo below was taken last spring as well.


Shrike Report, 121709, 9 a.m.

  Chris Takacs reports: "It's 25 degrees with 20 mph winds at  7:45 a.m. and the Northern Shrike is singing away from a perch across the  retention pond on Disposal Rd. at DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst/North Arlington today." (Thanks, Chris!)

   Chris makes a great point — if you're planning on looking for the shrike any time soon, dress warmly.

   BTW, Because the bird was seen within three days of the Christmas Bird Count day for our region, it can be included in the count — but we will shoot for it on Sunday.

Mehrhof Pond Walk Recap


    We had a most enjoyable two-hour walk at Mehrhof Pond and the BCUA's Mehrhof Woods on Tuesday.

     Don Torino (above) and Dave Hall of Bergen Audubon Society helped lead the way — pointing out hundreds upon hundreds of Ruddy Ducks,IMG_3582 lots of Hooded Mergansers (left), and assorted Common Mergansers, Lesser Scaups, Northern Shovelers, and other ducks.   

   Also seen: DC Cormorants, Great Blue Heron, Northern Harrier, Redtail, Tree Sparrows a-plenty and a few Fox Sparrows.

    The BCUA site is typically closed to the public, and we thank the utility for allowing us access. Because there is so little human activity, and because the pond is such a duck magnet this time of year, the birding is often excellent there.