Mike Britt reports that the totals for this side of the Hudson River on the Lower Hudson Christmas Bird Count on Sunday were 88 species and 15,153 individual birds.
Highlights included: Long-tailed Duck, Great Cormorant (3), American Bittern, Black-crowned Night Heron (19), Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier (18), Rough-legged Hawk, American Kestrel (3), Wilson's Snipe (2), Iceland Gull, Barn Owl, Long-eared Owl (2), Common Raven (2), Horned Lark (48), Marsh Wren, American Pipit, Grasshopper Sparrow, Snow Bunting (129), Eastern Meadowlark, Rusty Blackbird, White-crowned Sparrow (14).
Photo above is a Savannah Sparrow on the Avon Landfill taken on Count Day. (Thanks, Chris!)
We also had a Snowy Owl, a Red-shouldered Hawk (yesterday by Disposal Road), 3 Greater Yellowlegs, and the Northern Shrike during count week.
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