Bird Report 041810: DeKorte

Julie McCall reports seeing Barrn Swallows, Forster's Terns, Hermit Thrush and Woodcock at DeKorte on Saturday.
   Her report follows (Thanks, Julie!):

    "Birded DeKorte and Disposal Road today between 8:30 a.m. and about 12:30 p.m. or so  I had doubts about going, since I was operating on little to
no sleep, but out I went, and I was rewarded.  It was very cloudy and
breezy, but I think the clouds worked in my favor.


   "- American Woodcock, skulking about on the Kinglsand Overlook not far
from the park entrance, around 10:30 a.m.  This was a first for me, and
if the bird hadn't noticed my presence after about ten minutes and
run off into the brush, I would have thought the woodcock was the
slowest bird species ever.  Wobble, wobble.

   "- Forster's Tern – I had two sitting on the rail between the gazebo
and the Flyway room.   They were quiet, unlike the ones I saw last
year, but I'm sure that won't last.

   "- Hermit Thrush, seen first in the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve, and then
later in the Kingsland Overlook and near the Environmental Center
entrance.  A first confirmed for me, I think they're very pretty
birds, especially the color of the tail.

   "- Osprey – two in the morning around 9:30, flying over the
impoundments and then off to the towers on the Saw Mill Creek
Trail.  At least one of them was carrying sticks, and later I saw
another.  Spoke with another birder in the afternoon who had seen one
heading off with sticks toward Schulyer Ave.   Someone, somewhere,
must be building.

   "- Double-crested Cormorant – I saw groups of 12-15 flying high at
least five times throughout the outing.  They were definitely on the move.

   "- Barn Swallow – the return has started.  I saw a few scattered about."

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