Daily Archives: May 20, 2010

Bird Report: Marsh Discovery Trail Walk 052010

    Had a nice Thursday noontime Marsh Discovery Trail guided walk today. Highlights included plenty of peeps, a Dunlin (below, left foreground), two Forster's Terns, several Ospreys, egrets, yellowlegs, a Black-crowned Night Heron and Ruddy Duck males with those bright blue bills. Also seeing a lot of Red Admiral butterflies.
   Next noontime MDT walk is Tuesday.


Ospreys Galore!


The Meadowlands Commission's Jim Wright wrote this column for The South Bergenite, published today.

   One Tuesday earlier this month, several large hawks put on quite a display above the Saw Mill Creek mud flats near the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission’s DeKorte Park.
While two of the large black-and white hawks gathered sticks and tried to build a nest high atop one of the erector-set-like stanchions for high-tension power lines, five others glided and hovered as they hunted above the mud flats’ shallow waters.
If there was ever a doubt that ospreys have made a comeback in the Meadowlands, the scene at DeKorte put those thoughts to rest. The ospreys are back – with a nest that brought two offspring in Kearny last year, as well as nests this year in Carlstadt (photo on the "jump") and the recent nest attempt in Lyndhurst. This spring could bring the first osprey fledglings in Bergen County in a half-century.
The Meadowlands has had several terrific environmental rebounds in recent years, but to me one of the most remarkable – and most visible – is the return of the osprey.

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Kearny Marsh Cleanup: June 6

    As part of National Trail Day Weekend, the N.J. Meadowlands Commission is sponsoring a two-hour cleanup of the Kearny Marsh. 
   With the help of the Bergen County Audubon Society, the Northern New Jersey Cachers and other volunteers, we will clean and trim the marsh's trail by foot and clean the marsh by canoe. All are welcome to participate.
   The clean-up begins at the northeast corner of the Gunnel Oval off Schuyler Avenue  at 10 a.m. (directions are on meadowblog.net in the left-hand column).   The NJMC is supplying trash bags and water, but bring your own weed clippers and gloves. We’ll also provide canoes, paddles and life jackets. 

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