While we await repairs to the Marsh Discovery Trail, we are offering free guided 90-minute walks of the boardwalk trail every Tuesday and Thursday.
The next walk is tomorrow, at the entrance to the trail near the guard gate. Need more information? Call Jim Wright at 201-460-2002.
Daily Archives: May 26, 2010
Red Admirals Galore
If you think you're seeing more Red Admiral butterflies than usual, you're right!
We had a half-dozen on the Marsh Discovery Trail at DeKorte in less than an hour last week. The one above was photographed at the Kearny marsh.
NJ Audubon's Sandy Hook Bird Observatory had more than a hundred last week.
But it turns out that Red Admirals are having a banner year a lot of places, including the Great Lakes and Quebec. (Thanks, Deedee!)
More on Red Admirals here.