Bird Report 011911: Disposal Road

Mike Girone reports seeing a light-morph Rough-leg, 4 Northern harriers, a falcon trifecta, two Red-tails and a Muskrat on Disposal Road yesterday after 2 p.m.

His Muskrat (Happy Meal) shot is above, His full report follows. (Thanks, Mike!)

Mike sez:

Arrived at the Carillon a little after 2 p.m. today, and saw a light-morph Rough-leg perched atop a tree on the Kingsland landfill. Shortly afterward it took off, flying north across the landfill and out of sight.
About 4 Northern Harriers did their normal patrolling throughout the afternoon.
A male American Kestrel was once again seen in the trees along Transco Trail, and flew towards the Northeast over the landfill.
A Merlin was briefly seen perching in a tree atop the landfill, then flying low to the ground, heading west.
An adult Sharp-shinned Hawk was seen hunting along the top of the landfill, and even briefly hovered at a low height like a harrier!
An adult and juvenile Red-tailed Hawk were spotted late in the day around the retention pond.
Also late in the day, an adult Peregrine Falcon was seen diving at a Northern Harrier over the Erie Landfill by Harrier Meadow. The Peregrine dove at the Harrier a number of times before flying west over Disposal Rd. toward the PSE&G station.
Lastly, a muskrat made an appearance around the Transco Trail gate and foraged in the immediate area for a few minutes.
Attached is a picture of the muskrat. Nice of it to stop and pose, just wish the lighting was better!


2 thoughts on “Bird Report 011911: Disposal Road

  1. fco

    The picture does not make justice to this incredible animal. No one in this building would come close to being able to afford a coat like that. Was it really a happy meal?


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