Monthly Archives: April 2011

Tuesday’s Harrier Meadow Walk: The Full List

IMG_9725-1 This Osprey directly overhead was one of the many nifty sights to be seen on Tuesday's walk and bird-banding demonstration at the Meadowlands Commission's Harrier Meadow.

Other highlights included a Common Raven, 10 species of ducks and a Ring-necked Pheasant.

A special thanks to Bergen County Audubon for organizing and co-leading the walk with us.

Full list follows — provided by Julie McCall. (Thanks, Julie!)

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Bald Eagle w/Transmitter: Again!

Call it deja vu.” Last spring, we posted an item about a Bald Eagle that was photographed flying near Overpeck Park. The eagle was notable because it had a transmitter on its back.

Last weekend, perhaps the same eagle was seen just north of the Meadowlands District not far from last year’s sighting, and it, too, had a transmitter. (See photo above by Mike Malzone. Thanks, Mike!)

With a bit of research and help last time around, we determined that the eagle was six years old, and originally from northern Manhattan — based on the non-transmitting transmitter and the bird’s leg bands. That post is here.

Now, if we could somehow get a photo of this eagle’s legs….

Tuesday’s Harrier Meadow Walk

Tuesday's Harrier Meadow walk had it all — a great bird banding demonstration by the NJMC's Mike Newhouse (above), a great turnout (nearly three dozen people), great birds (Blue-winged Teal, American Kestrel, Ring-necked Pheasant, awesome looks an Osprey overhead, and more), and almost great-weather.

Full list and an Osprey pic on Thursday. (Thanks to all who participated, and a special thanks to Bergen County Audubon for organizing and co-leading the walk with us!)

‘Birding for Beginners’ — Thanks!

A big thank you to the Bergen County Audubon Society and all who participated in the recent three-session Birding for Beginners class at DeKorte Park.

102_0766 Nearly five dozen people, including a bunch of Cub Scouts, were part of yesterday's final class and nature walk.

It was a great way to get more people involved with the great outdoors and introduce them to the natural wonders of DeKorte Park and the Meadowlands.

The Meadowlands Commission looks forward to hosting the classes next year.

Wednesday 8 p.m.: ‘Birds of the Meadowlands’ Talk

Jim Wright, who keeps this blog for the Meadowlands Commission, is giving a free talk and slide show at the Meadowlands Environment Center tomorrow night after 8 p.m.

The talk, part of the Bergen County Audubon Society's monthly meeting, is open to the public. Jim will talk a little about the region's environmental comeback and show slides of many of the amazing birds that have been seen here recently.

Don't forget — we also have a free nature walk at DeKorte Park on Friday to celebrate Earth Day.

Details on both events follow.

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