The Observatory: April Schedule

IMG_5829 The William D. McDowell Observatory in DeKorte Park begins a new month of programming tonight with free public access at  8 and 9 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday nights — weather permitting, of course.

Dress for the weather; with the dome open, you are basically outside.

Each evening at least two major objects in the night sky will be viewed, plus one or two other celestial objects or events depending on the observing conditions.

For more information about free public viewing nights and to check out the observatory's new website, click here.

For a South Bergenite column by the NJMC's Jim Wright about the observatory, click here.


2 thoughts on “The Observatory: April Schedule

  1. Xtreme Profit Robot Review

    So cool we can get stuff like this for free. Kudos to the McDowell Observatory for putting on programs like this (and you for notifying us! 🙂 People don’t realize how much many great resources they have like this. I hope they use them. thanks.

  2. Fred

    I like the different view pic of scope looks cool!, I like to double check on above Free night and or all night scope viewing ? Reason is I recall use to be Mon & Wed. with Tues astronomy class for memebers and students. Please explain the new schdule Is there some new weeknight viewing as the above annuncement inplies or are there just new hrs viewing same origianal nights? I have fially made my first bird walk viewing which I put off till now the weather is more pleaseant, And beingI enjoy Astronomy much more but yet to get there do to cold weather or weather or health. now that is it is warming up. I look forward to attending whatever nights are going to be scope viewing nights and also try to attend any astronomy Q&A’s sessions at Dekote ctr. So like to know what are the details of scope view times and what nights?


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