Daily Archives: May 13, 2011

World Series: U. of Pitt Team Starting at DeKorte

We ran into three-fifths of the University of Pittsburgh Birding Club's World Series team yesterday.

They were scouting DeKorte Park, where they will start their 24-hour quest a second after midnight tonight.

They are raising money for the National Aviary Department of Conservation and Field Research. Apparently it was the worthy cause with the longest name they could find. :- )

Good luck, Panthers!

Ron Shields: Kearny Marsh Report

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Ron Shields says:

A trip into the Kearny Marsh yielded fantastic results this past weekend.  
As many as Five ospreys were perched at the same time on the old telegraph poles that still line the abandoned Erie Railroad right-of-way along the southern boundary.

In addition, numerous Black-crowned Night Herons (mainly adults) were observed throughout the area and a pair of Red-tailed Hawks flew overhead.  The water level is still high resulting in limited shorebird action.

A Common Yellowthroat and several Wood Ducks were a nice change of pace.

(Thanks, Ron!)

More photos follow.

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