Bird Report: DeKorte Update

Doug Morel writes:

"Since weather wasn't too bad, I went back to DeKorte today. Finally got the Snow Buntings, plus the Red-breatsed Mergs Ray Duffy had yesterday(out near NJ TPKE). 

"Added a # of M'Lands yearbirds last couple days. Ran down to Kearney & added Coot & PB Grebe.    

"Saw a couple falconers attempting to catch the RT Hawk with the jesses this morning, plus some other falconers with a hawk near the No. Arlington compost area opposite Harrier Meadow entrance.  (Thanks, Doug!)

2 thoughts on “Bird Report: DeKorte Update

  1. Jim Wright

    The Red-tailed Hawk in question belongs to a falconer. It has bells and jesses and has been flying around Disposal Road since late December. I think the other falconer was trying to catch it temporarily to remove the encumbrances.
    There are a few earlier posts with pix of this bird.
    I hope this is helpful.


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