Daily Archives: March 12, 2012

A (Sad) Monday Mystery


Banded Bird 3-001

Marylou & Jerome Bongiorno reported finding a banded dead bird way out on the Transco Trail at DeKorte Park this weekend.


The band was white plastic, with numbers and letters reading: ITC 3362 IF 2011.

NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse has a good idea what the bird was, and is tracking down the particulars on this bird. 

Any thoughts? (Thanks, Marylou and Jerome!)

DeKorte Scenics


Every so often — usually near low tide — we bump into Michael Pagliuca of Bloomfield, a landscape photographer who enjoys taking pictures at DeKorte Park.

"I love the surface of the mud flats at low tide — it reminds me of the surface of the moon," he says.

When we asked him to send us a few jpgs, he laughed and explained that he shoots with film. So we talked him into letting us scan a few photographs, shown here and on the jump. (Thanks, Michael!)


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