Daily Archives: March 14, 2012

New Meadowlands Frog Species!

 NY Times Frog

The New York Times has an article today about a new frog species found in the New York metropolitan, including, reportedly, the Meadowlands.

Writes The Times:

"On a foray into the wilds of Staten Island in 2009, Jeremy A. Feinberg, a doctoral candidate in ecology and evolution at Rutgers University, heard something strange as he listened for the distinctive mating call of the Southern Leopard Frog — usually a repetitive chuckle. But this was a single cluck.

“ 'I started hearing these calls, and I realized they were really distinct,' Mr. Feinberg said.

"Three years later, Mr. Feinberg and four other scientists who joined him in multiple field and laboratory studies, are finally comfortable making their declaration: a new species of leopard frog — as yet unnamed — has been identified in New York City and a number of surrounding counties."

Link to the story is here.

Link to an abstract of the study is here.

More Amazing Disposal Road Action

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Ron Shields reports:

“What a great day on Sunday at Disposal Road!  We had all sorts of action throughout the entire day. The highlight for me was the appearance of a low-flying immature bald eagle over the landfill escorted by two red-tailed hawks and two harriers.  The size of the eagle dwarfed the other birds.   

“The eagle circled in flight for about five minutes before leaving.  About
a half hour later, the same bird returned and repeated his performance only to be confronted and scolded by an adult eagle over the retention pond.  Both birds frolicked in mid-air for awhile before heading north.  There seemed to be an obvious connection between them.

“In addition, the day included many close views of northern harriers including several passes by a Gray Ghost.  Red-tails frequently ‘kited’ on the southerly winds.”

Ron also photographed a Common Raven, below.

Another pic of the young Bald Eagle and the adult Bald Eagle are on the jump.


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