Prime Time for Woodcocks!


Ray Duffy reports that he saw American Woodcocks displaying last night in Laurel Hill County Park in Secaucus around 6:15, and because of the full moon, he got some good looks as they did their courtship display.

The woodcocks should be appearing nightly for most of the month.

Tonight's full moon is called the Worm Moon, and since worms are the woodcocks' favorite meal, it could be prime time.

Thanks, Ray!

(We'd would love to post anybody's pix from the Meadowlands of these amazing birds).


6 thoughts on “Prime Time for Woodcocks!

  1. Mike G.

    Reliable reports say that they can be heard in the vicinity of the Valley Brook ball fields as well, but I haven’t seen/heard them personally.

  2. Ray Duffy

    For woodcocks, the most reliable spot I’ve seen at Laurel Hill is to park at in the lot across from the Boat Launch (it’s the first parking lot on the left by the cricket pitch). You can either sit in your car with the windows open or wait outside. The calls start around 6:15-6:20 last night. There will be calls all around the park, but at least one likes the wooded patch between the lot and the fenced in Turnpike lot.

  3. jim wright

    I cannot go tonight, but how about next Thursday night? I understand there will be a birding column about Woodcocks in The Record next Thursday….
    Jim W.


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