Daily Archives: October 12, 2012

Our South Bergenite Column: Marco van Brabant

Marco sunset_4273
Jim Wright, who keeps this blog, also writes a twice-monthly column for The South Bergenite. His latest column is on photographer Marco van Brabant:

Next week marks the arrival of “The Nature of the Meadowlands,” the lavishly illustrated book about the region’s remarkable environmental comeback.

For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of creating the book for the Meadowlands Commission was working with two extremely talented nature photographers, Marco van Brabant and Ron Shields.

Marco specializes in landscapes, and Ron in wildlife shots. Both see the Meadowlands with an artist’s eye, and both have helped me see the region in new ways.

I’d like to write about each of them because of their fresh perspectives, beginning this week with Marco.

Marco finds beauty in “urban” landscapes. He took the photos on both the front and back of the dust jacket, and both show the sweeping vistas of the Meadowlands.

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Scoters by Laurel Hill

Julie McCall writes:

"It's time for "Help Julie Name that Bird," Round 2. Spotted Thursday from Laurel Hill Park in Secaucus. I don't have a whole lot of ocean birding experience, but I feel pretty confident these are scoters.

"It's the Surf/White-winged part I'm having difficulty with. I've gone through several guides, and waffled back and forth, but I'm leaning toward Surf Scoter. Both species occur in the Meadowlands "Rare"-ly in the fall, according to the checklist.

"Would anyone like to weigh in? The tipping point for me is a post David Sibley did on IDing scoters by shape…"  (Rick Wright says these are likely Surf Scoters.)

(Great bird, great job!)