"I saw this sparrow with a bunch of Tree and Savannah Sparrows late last month by those old ball fields about a quarter mile before you get to the train tracks/main entrance to DeKorte.
"The way it was hanging on the grass stem really stood out to me. The call was unfamiliar to me. I thought it was a marsh wren at first."
We have a couple of theories on ID. What do you think? (Thanks, Brandon!)
I’m betting that unfamiliar call was a big, rich, sweet, phoebe-like cheenp.
Nice Swamp Sparrow!
Swamp Sparrow, 90% confidence. A little bit like a bold Song sparrow. I’d give a long-shot chance at a Lincoln’s (although I see nothing specific to back that possibility up).
Checked field guide–My money’s on Swamp Sparrow by posture and position, but Song Sparrow’s always a chance (beak seems too small? Maybe? Front markings too bold, I think). When I look at the bottom picture, I think Swamp Sparrow. The top one’s a little harder. Again, I bet Swamp Sparrow, adult.
I’d say swamp sparrow due to the rich tones in general and the rufousy side sections.