The president of Bergen County Audubon Society, Don Torino, stopped by N.J. Meadowlands Commission offices earlier this week to present a check for $1,500 to NJMC Executive Director Marcia Karrow for restoration work in Harrier Meadow.
The purpose of the project is to improve the habitat by bringing more native shrubs, trees and flowers to Harrier Meadow.
Harrier Meadow is a 70 acre* site is located within the Saw Mill Creek basin. It is part of the New Jersey Meadowlands which is a IBA (important birding area) location and a critical habitat on the Atlantic flyway. It was acquired by the NJMC in 1996 from the Land Reserve and Franklin Contracting Company.
Harrier Meadow was initially part of a large marsh system influenced by Kingsland Creek and Sawmill Creek.
Bird banding by the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission has shown that the area is important breeding and migratory habitat for Savannah Sparrows and American Kestrels as well as many shorebird, heron and passerine species. It is, of course, is an important habitat for a New Jersey endangered species, the Northern Harrier, for which it is named.
(Thank you, Bergen County Audubon Society!)